How Many Miles In A Year?

A message of routine and consistency

Importance of Consistency

On July 7, 2022 I decided to set a goal for myself – run at least 5k, or 3.1 miles, every day for a year.

So, that day I started tracking. 365 days, 2,698.99 miles, and countless memories later, I can happily say that I did it! I learned a lot over the past year from this challenge but one of the biggest lessons was the importance of consistency.

It’s obvious that I had to be consistent in order to run a 5k every day for a year. I had to go out and run at least 3.1 miles every single day. I couldn’t run extra one day and take the next off. It was up to me every day to go out and run those miles; one step at a time. As the days, weeks and months passed by, it started to become routine to me which also meant it was less of a mental hurdle to get outside and start running.

At the foundation of planning and working towards reaching your goals, consistency is so important. We can’t just snap our fingers and pay off all our debt or have all of the necessary money saved to retire, or to accomplish some of our bigger philanthropic goals. It all takes consistent effort over time.

In those examples, it takes consistently dollar cost averaging into the market – whether through your company’s retirement plan, funding a Roth IRA, or a taxable account. It takes consistency to stick to your debt snowball plan to pay off student loans, credit card, or car loans. Month after month. It can feel strenuous and like you aren’t making enough progress.

But as with my 365 days of a 5K experience, over time the discipline gets easier and easier. Eventually it becomes so routine and you adjust. In my case, I adjusted my schedule every day to ensure that I had time to complete my run. Over time, my body also adjusted and running on even tired legs became more comfortable.

Financially speaking, you may need to consciously adjust your spending habits and say “no” to certain things in order to put a strategic dollar amount away to reach your goals. But over time, your lifestyle will adjust and living on less won’t be as difficult as when you started.

It all weaves right back into the power of having a plan. If you haven’t taken the time to identify those goals and create a plan to get yourself there, how would you know where to start? It helps you solidify the steps you need to take to get yourself where you want to be.

Once those steps have been identified, the rubber hits the road and it’s time to implement. Then it is on you to consistently take those steps to get there – no one can do that for you.

After 365 days and 2,698.99 miles, I’ve found any journey worth going on gets easier over time. Stay consistent.


If you have financial goals that feel out of reach or you’re unsure of the steps needed in order to reach those goals: consider us your training plan and your guide on the journey to True Wealth.

Click here to learn more about what we mean when we talk about True Wealth. We also invite you to get in touch with our team to learn more about our financial planning process and how we can build a plan designed to reach your goals.


Ethan Brouwer is not registered with Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC.


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