Join Us on October 20, 2022 for Finding Your Freedom: Through Chaos and Calm

By Kevin Engbers There is a lot happening at Pinnacle Wealth in 2022. And we understand how the year has been for so many of you. Stability, calmness, and peace have not been words of favor. In response, we put our minds together and decided to launch an event for this fall — and we’d …

How To Respond When Markets Are Going Wild

Again, the stock market feels like a wild ride, where volatility has become all too normal. As a financial advisor, I field questions about this frequently, especially during periods like we’ve seen in the first half of 2022. That said, our team approached me with a handful of questions we …

My Golf Trip to Scotland Was a True Wealth Experience

By Nik Aamlid June 6, 2022 — If you sent me an email at the end of April, you may remember an out of office message that our software kicked out. It read like this:   Thank you for your email! I will be out of the office until May 2nd and will have very …

The Importance of Financial Planning

By Ryan Ovenden, Wealth Advisor   March 24, 2022 — You might have a financial plan — or at least, you might think you have one. You might not have a financial plan and can’t possibly see how it would be relevant.  Maybe your thought process is simply any of the following:   Financ …

5 Reasons to Start and Keep a ROTH IRA

By Nik Aamlid Wealth Advisor, CAP®   January 24, 2022 — The Roth IRA may be the market’s most powerful retirement tool.   Sadly, recent studies show that only 10% of American taxpayers own Roth IRAs, per the Tax Policy Center. There are many types of IRAs and retirement plans out there …

How to Build and Manage Your Budget in 2022

By Kevin Engbers It’s among the most popular resolutions that Americans face — especially this time of year. In November of 2020, Statista surveyed 542 U.S. adults and found that 30% listed “live more economically” on their list of Top New Year’s Resolutions for 2021. It ranked 5th on the l …

How to Avoid Overspending Around the Holidays

By Ryan Ovenden, Wealth Advisor   It’s that time of year again. When the snow starts to fall, you can hear the sounds of Christmas carols and jingle bells. Truly, it’s such a joyous time of year. The thought of maxing out your budget around the holidays — definitely not so jolly. It ca …

Student Debt: What You Need to Know

By Nik Aamlid, CAP®, Wealth Advisor If you’re like millions of Americans, it’s very likely that upon hearing the phrase “student loans”, you become a little on edge, and even start to sweat a little. It’s a pretty common reaction, I promise. In fact, the heavy load of student loans is all t …

Cash Management: How Much Should You Keep In the Bank?

Managing the flow of your cash is a pillar in the Parthenon of financial success. (And in case it needs to be said, cash here does not just refer to the number of “Andrew Jackson’s sitting in your wallet. This is every debit and credit hitting your bank account.) Why is it so importan …

Financial Planning for a Growing Family

Written by Casey Franken, Director of Planning and Advanced Solutions   The decision to add a member to your family is serious, and its implications stretch far beyond your finances. Nevertheless, would-be parents have a responsibility to each other and their descendants to consider th …

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